Major Ecosytems Map by Victor Krajina, 1975
From the IBP report: Victor Krajina describes the major ecosystems in the UBC Endowment lands. See 6 page PDF: Krajina_ubcel-er-site-map-legend
From the IBP report: Victor Krajina describes the major ecosystems in the UBC Endowment lands. See 6 page PDF: Krajina_ubcel-er-site-map-legend
Anna Roberts wrote this letter for the Naturalist newsletter. The warden program was set up in ;later years. She mentions the building of a fence on the reserve with other volunteers. The date is estimated.
Julian Reynolds and Sylvia Reynolds , UBC studies in 1975 the limnological parameters and distribution of angiosperms in 12 similar and neighbouring lakes in the Chilcotin region of BC See the Complete PDF: reynolds_&_reynolds_1975_aquatic_angiosperms_some_saline_lakes_bc
A report of the estuary working group , Dept of Environment, Regional Board Pacific. Largely a report on Hydrology. See the PDF for the complete report. _river_estuary_status_of_environmental_knowledge