
Documenting Fire History in a British Columbia Ecological Reserve

Posted April 15, 2013 | Categories : 7,Controlled Burning,Management,Research |

Documenting Fire History in a British Columbia Ecological Reserve

Don Gayton, FORREX


Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) ecosystems in British Columbia have high concentrations of biodiversity and species at risk, and numerous studies suggest frequent, low-in- tensity fire was a historical disturbance pattern in this ecosystem type. Fire history was analyzed in the Trout Creek Ecological Reserve near Summerland, BC, a 75 ha parcel in the PPxh1 biogeoclimatic variant. The area’s fire history spans from 1715 to 1952, with a mean area fire interval of 18 years. Fire management options are reviewed.

KEYWORDS: fire history;ponderos apine;ecological reserve


See the full PDF: Fire history Gayton 2013