
Okanagan Region Invasive Plant Strategy 2006                  

Posted July 28, 2006 | Categories : 100,108,130,33,42,49,7,77,Ecological Monitoring,Invasive Species,Reports |

Prepared by Judy Millar and Crystal Klym–16 pages

2.0 invasive plant program background

ESD, Okanogan region manages 330,791 ha of protected lands. Diverse ecosystems thrive within these lands and include sensitive grasslands, fertile riparian areas, fragile alpine meadows and productive forests these ecosystems, which provide critical habitat for many of British Columbia’s rare and endangered species, are being threatened by invasive plants at an alarming rate……………

As managers of the Okanogan regions protected lands, ESD is responsible for maintaining biodiversity and healthy ecosystems for our natural flora and fauna, therefore an effective collaborative approach to invasive plant management is required……

The Complete PDF is available at: millar_&_klym_2006_okanagan_region_invasive_plant _strategy

Under invasive plant program strategic goals, six goals are delineated.

Goal one: partnerships and coordination

Goal two: education and public awareness

Goal three: research

Goal for: prevention

Goal five: early detection

goal six: rapid response